[Download 2023 Taste of Seoul Guide] Taste of Seoul Guide
This is a gourmet guidebook containing 100 restaurants and bars in Seoul in 2023.
2023-09-14 -
[Download 2022 Taste of Seoul Guide] Taste of Seoul Guide
This is a gourmet guidebook containing 100 restaurants and bars in Seoul in 2022.
Taste of Seoul 2023 Started on September 16
Taste of Seoul 2023 Started on September 16 - From September 16, Seoul is turning into a city of gastronomy with unique and rich food experiences for a week - From September 16 to 17, Taste of Seoul Market was held on Nodeul Island under the theme of traditional liquors and coffee met at Seoul’s alley - Seoul invited 100 chefs and media from home and abroad to give awards to restaurants selected in the 100 Taste of Seoul list SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, September 15, 2023 – With the release of the 100 Taste of Seoul list, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) holds Taste of Seoul 2023 from September 16 to 22 on Nodeul Island and in other parts of the city. Numerous programs are prepared for the event: ▲ Taste of Seoul Market (where the city meets the market), ▲ Seoul Gourmet Awards (celebrating 100 Taste of Seoul), ▲ Seoul Market Dining (where traditional markets meet trendy places), ▲ Seoul Restaurant Week (to meet the city’s unique dishes), and ▲ Signature Pop-Up (where Seoul meets the world). Between September 16 and 17, the Taste of Seoul Market took place on Nodeul Island. The market presented “Fermented cuisine and traditional liquors (September 16)” and “Seoul’s coffee in one place (September 17)” under the topic of Seoul’s taste that is making new trends. Different docent tours to breweries and coffee shops were available during the weekend. The SMG even prepared English docent tours for international tourists. Details of the market are available on the website of Taste of Seoul (tasteofseoul.visitseoul.net). On Sunday, September 17, the Seoul Gourmet Awards was held at Nodeul Island Live house. Over 100 chefs, restaurant people, and Korean and foreign journalists gathered at the event. Seoul promoted its gastronomic culture to the world and encouraged restaurants and chefs to be proud of their food and services. The event also served as a networking ground for the food and drink industry. Another program, Seoul Market Dining, offers a tasty collaboration between traditional markets and trendy restaurants. Famous places in each traditional market are presenting special dishes using ingredients supplied by the market they’re nestled in. Geumnam Market (Geumnamvin), Dongmyo Market (Dongmyo Market), Majangdong Meat Market (Majangdong Tiger), Yeongcheon Market (Brewery 304), Jungang Market (John & Mark), and Mangwon Market (Haejindwi) are the participating markets and establishments. Seoul prepared the “Taste of Seoul Tour” as one of the programs. Different travel companies are providing themed food tours that allow visitors to experience corners of the city. For example, there are Taste of Seoul Night Tour with Locals that will lead people to Gwangjang Market, Euljiro Chimaek Street, and Ikseong-dong; Vegan-friendly Korean Food Tour that will be a chance to try diverse comfort food of Koreans from Bindae-tteok to traditional desserts; Traditional Market Food Tour that will bring tourists to Korean cooking classes at traditional markets; and Korean Barbecue that will introduce Jongno's barbecue alley. English services are, of course, available for foreigners and are open for reservation on the website of Taste of Seoul. Seoul Restaurant Week is joined by 67 restaurants selected in the 100 Taste of Seoul list and restaurants in hotels across the capital. The restaurants are offering a special menu or benefits to celebrate the Taste of Seoul week. In Signature Pop-Up, Seoul’s famous restaurants and cafes—Mosu, JUNGSIK, Mingles X Joo Ok, The Green Table, FRITZ COFFEE COMPANY—and overseas establishments, like CENTRAL of Lima, Peru, which ranked first in the World 50 Best Restaurant, will participate.
2023-09-18 -
100 Taste of Seoul (2023): Seoul’s Iconic Restaurants Handpicked by Gourmet Curators
100 Taste of Seoul (2023): Seoul’s Iconic Restaurants Handpicked by Gourmet Curators ‐ Thirty food experts handpicked a list of great eateries of different categories—Korean, Western, Grill, Dessert, and others ‐ As the week-long 2023 Taste of Seoul starts on Saturday, September 16, Nodeul island and other places across Seoul will begin gastronomic adventures SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, August 31, 2023 – Korean food and gastronomy are drawing global attention. Against this backdrop, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) released the 100 Taste of Seoul (2023) for the event week. The 100 Taste of Seoul lists restaurants and bars handpicked by 30 Korean and international gourmet curators. The 30 gourmet curators—from industry experts, gastronomic travelers, scholars, and food and beverage journalists—have made the list since 2020, assessing glocalism (globalization + localization), popularity, and expertise of venues. The 30 gourmet curators—from industry experts, gastronomic travelers, scholars, and food and beverage journalists—have made the list since 2020, assessing glocalism (globalization + localization), popularity, and expertise of venues. This year’s 100 Taste of Seoul has seven food categories: Korean (21 places), Western (25), Asian (12), Grill (10), Plant-based (10), Café & Dessert (11), and Bar & Pub (11). Notably, 35 places offering different culinary options were recognized for their originality and excellent dishes by being selected for the fourth consecutive year since the inception of the 100 Taste of Seoul in 2020. Restaurants selected for four years in a row are: ▲ [Korean]: Kwonsooksoo, A Flower Blossom on the Rice, Mingles, SOIGNE, ONJIUM, Woo Lae Oak, JUNGSIK, Joo Ok, La Yeon, SOSEOUL Hannam, ▲ [Western]: The Green Table, Mosu Seoul, MUOKI, BORGO HANNAM, alla prima, EVETT, ZERO COMPLEX, Paul's Diner, ▲ [Asian]: Mitou, JinJin, KOJIMA, ▲ [Grill]: Gold Pig Restaurant, BORN & BRED, ULLEUNG, ▲ [Plant-based]: local EAT, Balwoo Gongyong, BASE IS NICE. Along with the 100 Taste of Seoul, Seoul also prepared 50 Plant-based Restaurant of Seoul list. Since the plant-based diet is trending in global culinary tourism and Seoul has well-established vegetarian traditional food and Buddhist temple dishes, restaurants on the list are expected to be deemed healthy and receive much love. The SMG will publish the 100 Taste of Seoul 2023, a gourmet guide, in Korean and English and distribute it to food and beverage businesses, embassies, and tourism information centers in Korea. Luxury tourism expos abroad and overseas cultural centers will also carry the guide. Selected dining rooms and bars will be reachable on Catch Table, a restaurant reservation application. For foreign guests, English reservation services will be provided. Detailed information will be available on the website of Taste of Seoul (tasteofseoul.visitseoul.net) from Thursday, August 31, at 5 p.m. for Korean and Friday, August 8, at 5 p.m. For English. The fourth Taste of Seoul will begin on Saturday, September 16, on Nodeul island and other places across the city. The event will end on Friday, September 22. A range of activities that will satisfy local and international tourists will take place throughout the week. On Saturday and Sunday (September 16-17), Seoul will hold Taste of Seoul Market at Nodeul Yard. Detailed program information for weekend docent tours and workshops for all tourists is already released. Famous chefs from Bangkok, Hong Kong, New York, LA, and Japan will participate in the Signature Pop-up where the world meets Seoul. On day two (Sunday, September 17), Seoul will hold the Seoul Gourmet Awards at the Live House on Nodeul island. Nominees from the 100 Taste of Seoul and Korean and foreign media outlets will be invited. The Seoul Gourmet Awards will grant Taste of Seoul (2023) trophies to restaurant & bar chefs and best chefs of establishments selected in the 100 Taste of Seoul.
2023-09-06 -
2022年首尔美食周(Taste of Seoul 2022)9月30日开幕
2022年首尔美食周(Taste of Seoul 2022)9月30日开幕 - 9月30日至10月6日,美食之都首尔美食周活动,好吃好看又好玩 - 举办美食电影节、首尔餐厅周和传统酒类课程等,传递首尔美食的真谛 - 迎合全球对韩流和韩国美食的浓厚兴趣,宣传首尔的味道和美食之都首尔的魅力 首尔市政府计划于9月30日(周五)至10月6日(周四)举办为期一周的“2022年首尔美食周”文化活动。本次美食周的主题为“邂逅美味”,将在三光岛和文化储备基地等首尔市内多处同时进行,让参与者有机会品尝丰富的美食、欣赏美丽的景点,重新发现属于首尔的味道。 本次活动旨在向国内外宣传首尔充满多样化和差异化的美食文化,不仅让首尔市民有崭新体验,同时向外国游客介绍首尔独特的美食文化。 2022年首尔美食周期间,将介绍100家首尔最具代表性的餐厅,这些精选餐厅也将呈现出各自的拿手菜,满足大家的味蕾。美食周期间还将举行如传统酒课程等丰富多样的体验活动,让参与者以不同方式体验首尔的美食文化,通过这些活动,还能展示美食与城市、农家、电影和传统市场等多领域的融合。 《“首尔美食周(Taste of Seoul)”恳谈会与颁奖典礼》 9月7日(周三)首尔市政府已经发布了“2022年首尔美食指南(Taste of Seoul)”,评选、公布了100家首尔特色餐厅和国内外美食专家推荐的50家素食餐厅。 9月30日(周五)是首尔美食周的第一天,今年选定的100家餐厅将齐聚三光岛会议中心,举办首尔百佳美食颁奖典礼和国内外媒体见面会,向世界介绍美食之都首尔的魅力。颁奖典礼结束后的宴会上,参与者可以品尝到入选餐厅的代表佳肴。 颁奖典礼上将为餐厅等颁发“首尔百佳美食”的纪念牌匾,包括不同类别餐厅、酒吧的最高奖,以及特别成就奖。 《美食电影节、餐厅周等活动,呈现首尔美食盛宴》 城市与农家的味道(10月1日至2日):在艺术与文化相融合的市场里,展示选用当地食材做成的韩国料理,让首尔市民和外国游客享受健康愉快的用餐体验。 电影与美食的味道(10月1日至2日,文化储备基地):放映首尔国际美食电影节上放过的电影,介绍从世界第一家餐厅到美食的可持续发展,通过电影和美食的结合,展现琳琅满目的味觉世界。电影放映会后,还将举行讨论会,参与者可以与入选“2022首尔百佳美食”的李承俊(Willott)主厨以及其他美食评论家共同探讨美食的真谛。 传统市场和热门场所的味道(10月1日至6日,首尔市的传统市场):在首尔的传统市场(共5处)内,与热门餐厅酒吧合作,让厨师和调酒师利用传统市场里种类繁多的食材,展现创意美食,活动参与者可以在传统市场中感受特殊体验。首尔市希望通过这样的方式,谋求厨师、调酒师与首尔传统市场商贩合作共赢的模式。 参与活动的商家包括金南市场的金南坊、首尔中央市场的鸡流馆、马场洞畜产市场的马场洞老虎、西大门灵泉市场的啤酒厂304、永东市场的长生保健院。 品尝首尔特色菜(10月1日至6日,首尔全市):所有入选2022年首尔百佳美食的餐厅都将参与到“首尔餐厅周”的活动中来。参与者可以登录首尔美食周网站和CatchTable应用程序(app)预订,预定界面还可以使用英语。 品酒佳肴(10月1日至6日,传统酒美术馆):在位于北村的传统酒美术馆内,参与者可以和传统酒专家一起品酒、聊酒,还能体验韩国马格利酒的制作。 百佳厨师还精心准备了以“当首尔美食遇见鸡尾酒&韩国食材的重新发现”为主题的特别活动(10.1日至2日)。10月3日将举办韩国和日本的优秀厨师互动活动,两国厨师大拿以“美食”作为语言,展现悠久岁月传承下来的烹饪法和传统的饮食文化,传达厨师作为传承人的烹饪理念和经验。 首尔市观光体育局局长表示:“今年的首尔美食周不仅提供全新的美食体验,还准备了多姿多彩的节目,从韩国传统美食到充满挑战性的创意美食。随着韩流逐渐深入人心,世界各地的人们也对韩国美食更感兴趣了,我希望通过这次的活动,能向世界展示首尔美食多样性的活动,展现美食之都首尔的魅力。”
2022-10-15 -
2022ソウル美食週間「Taste of Seoul2022」9月30日開幕
2022ソウル美食週間「Taste of Seoul2022」9月30日開幕 9月30日~10月6日、美食の街ソウルの豊かなグルメや観光名所、ホットスポットを楽しむ7日間 美食映画祭、ソウルレストラン週間、伝統の酒を学ぶなどソウルの美食の真髄に触れる機会に 韓流・韓国料理への世界的な関心の高まり受け、ソウルの味、美食の街ソウルの魅力を世界に発信 ソウルの豊かなグルメや観光名所、話題のホットスポットなど、ソウルの味を新たに紹介する「2022ソウル美食週間(Taste of Seoul)」が開催される。「おいしい出会い、美味」をテーマに開催される今回のソウル美食週間は、9月30日(金)から10月6日(木)までの1週間、ソウルの至るところで開催される。 本イベントはソウルの多彩でオリジナリティあふれる美食文化を国内外に広く発信し、ソウル市民はもちろん、ソウルを訪れる外国人観光客にも一味違うソウルならではの美食文化を紹介すべく企画された。 「2022ソウル美食週間」は、ソウル美食100選に選ばれた店の料理を味わえる機会となる。また、都市と農家、映画、ソウル市内の市場など、多方面から美食のコラボレーションが行われるほか、伝統の酒について学べる教室など、ソウルの美食文化を様々な方法で伝える体験イベントも催される。 <『2022ソウル美食週間(Taste of Seoul)』懇談会および授賞式> ソウル市は9月7日(水)、国内外の美食の専門家が推薦したソウル美食100選ならびにベジタリアンレストラン50選を紹介する「2022ソウル美食ガイド(Taste of Seoul)」を発表した。 初日の9月30日(金)には、セピッソム・コンベンションセンターで今年の「ソウル美食100選」に選ばれた店の味を楽しめるイベントを開催。選出されたレストランへの授賞式をはじめ、国内外のグルメ専門メディアとの懇談会を通して美食の街ソウルの魅力を世界に発信する予定だ。 <美食映画祭、レストラン週間など、ソウル美食の饗宴からなる様々なプログラムを開催> 都市と農家の出会い(10月1日~2日):芸術と文化が息づく市場で地元の食材を使った韓国料理を作り、ソウル市民や外国人観光客に健康で楽しい食体験を提供する。 映画と美食の出会い(10月1日~2日、文化備蓄基地):ソウル国際グルメ映画祭で上映された映画を通して、世界最古のレストランから持続可能な料理まで、映画と美食のマリアージュで多種多様な味の世界を紹介する。 市場とホットスポットの出会い(10月1日~6日、ソウル市内の市場):ソウル市内にある市場(5カ所)と人気のホットスポットとのコラボイベントで、料理人やバーテンダーが市場で働く人々との共生・協力を模索する機会となる。市場で買える様々な食材を利用した創作料理が提供されるなど、参加者は市場での特別な体験ができる。 ソウル特別メニューとの出会い(10月1日~6日、ソウル全域):今年「ソウル美食100選」に選ばれた店では、特選メニューを楽しめる「ソウルレストラン週間」が開催される。ソウル美食週間ホームページとレストラン予約アプリ、キャッチテーブルから予約可能。 伝統の酒との出会い(10月1日~6日、伝統の酒ギャラリー):北村(プクチョン)にある伝統の酒ギャラリーでは、伝統の酒の専門家とともに試飲し、会話を楽しめる伝統の酒試飲会とマッコリづくり体験を開催する。 このほか、ソウル美食100選に選ばれたレストランの料理人たちによるソウル美食とカクテルの出会い&韓国食材の再発見というテーマのイベント(10月1日~2日)が開催される。韓国と日本を代表する料理人が「美食」というキーワードを通じて長きにわたり受け継がれてきた調理法や固有の食文化、それを継承する料理人の哲学や経験を語る晩餐イベント(10月3日)も開催される予定だ。 ソウル市のチェ・ギョンジュ観光体育局長は「『2022ソウル美食週間』は、新たな美食体験を提供するだけでなく、伝統の韓国料理から冒険的なグルメまで、多彩なプログラムが用意されている」としながら、「韓流人気とともに韓国料理への関心が世界的に高まっている中、ソウルの食の多様性を伝える本イベントを通して、ソウルの味、美食の街ソウルの魅力を世界中に広めたい」と語った。
2022-10-15 -
Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner & Media Conference Site Photos
Taste of Seoul 2022 Media Conference :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 Media Conference MC, Hong-in Park editor in chief of 'Bar & Magazine',:: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Kyeng-ju Choi, Director-General for Tourism and Sports Bureau and Hee-sook Cho, Achievement Award Winner at Taste of Seoul 2022 Media Conference :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Kyeng-ju Choi, Director-General for Tourism and Sports Bureau at Taste of Seoul 2022 Media Conference :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 opening scene of 100 Taste of Seoul Award :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Kyeng-ju Choi(Director-General for Tourism and Sports Bureau) was reading the opening remarks 100 Taste of Seoul Award :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Kyeng-ju Choi, Director-General for Tourism and Sports Bureau and Hee-sook Cho, Achievement Award Winner at Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Hee-sook Cho, Achievement Award Winner and Taste of Seoul 2022 Best Chef :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Cafe&Dessert 'Maison M.O' ':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Planted-based restaurant 'local EAT':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award group photo of Planted-based restaurant :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Grill 'BORN&BRED':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Bar&Pub 'Le Chamber':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award group photo of Bar&Pub :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Asian 'KOJIMA':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Western 'MOSU':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award Korean 'ONJIUM':: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 aste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award plaque-wrapped package :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 Chefs at Gala Dinner :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner a dinner drink toast :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner 'A Tile Fish and Napa Cabbage' from Mosu Seoul :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner 'Vegetable terrine and native fresh wheat garganelli' from local EAT :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner aperitif cocktail_Soul of Seoul :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022 Taste of Seoul 2022 100 Taste of Seoul Award & Gala Dinner aperitif cocktail_Chae-jin, Lim Bartender of Le Chamber :: copyright Taste of Seoul 2022
2022-10-15 -
Taste of Seoul 2022 Kicks Off on September 30
Taste of Seoul 2022 Kicks Off on September 30 ‐ The week-long event from September 30 to October 6 will present rich foods, attractions, and entertainment in Seoul, the city of gastronomy ‐ This will be an opportunity to taste the true essence of Seoul’s foods with sessions like the Seoul Food Cinema, Seoul Restaurant Week, and traditional liquor classes ‐ With global interest in Hallyu and Korean food, Seoul as a city of gastronomy will get to be widely known SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, September 28, 2022 –Taste of Seoul 2022 will be held to present Seoul’s rich foods, attractions, and entertainment. Taste of Seoul under the theme of “Tasty Encounter, Matnam” will be held for a week from September 30 (Friday) to October 6 (Thursday) throughout Seoul including Sebitseom and the Oil Tank Culture Park. Taste of Seoul 2022 introduces 100 representative restaurants in Seoul with time to taste their food. Also, the event presents collaboration between food and various areas such as the city and farmers, movies, and traditional markets. Traditional liquor classes will also be held to enable experience with the food culture of Seoul in diverse ways. ○ Details of Taste of Seoul 2022 and the “100 Tastes of Seoul” can be found on the website (https://tasteofseoul.visitseoul.net/). Seoul announced on September 7 the “2022 Tastes of Seoul” that introduces 100 representative restaurants of Seoul and 50 plant-based, vegetarian restaurants recommended by gourmet curators from home and abroad. On September 30, the first day of Taste of Seoul, you can meet the 100 representative restaurants at the Sebitseom Convention Center. First, there will be an award ceremony for the 100 restaurants selected this month and a press conference with gastronomy-related media, and a gala dinner will be held to taste the signature foods of the selected restaurants. Seoul Marché will be held from October 1 to October 2. In a market where art and culture harmonize, Korean food using local ingredients will be showcased, bringing health and enjoyable food experience to Seoul’s citizens and foreign visitors. At the event, Korean food will be reinterpreted in the form of fermentation, ssam (vegetable wraps), salads, barbecue, bread, desserts, and beverages to represent each chef personality and diversity of seasonal ingredients. Also, you can taste and learn tastes of the arts and the nature, and a farmer’s market with more than 60 teams selling local vegetables and native ingredients will be held. Moreover, events such as the recycle and reuse booth where you can experience to reduce waste and a seasonal performance (Le French Code) are planned as well. The Seoul Food Cinema: A Tasty Encounter Between Gastronomy and Movies will also be held from October 1 to October 2 at the Oil Tank Culture Park. Films from the Seoul International Food Film Festival will be screened and the diverse food universe, from the world's first restaurant to sustainable gastronomy, will be introduced during this event. After the screening, Chef Lee Seungjun of Hulotte, selected as one of the 100 Tastes of Seoul, and food reviewers will have a talk. Additional events will be held during the screenings of “Michelin Stars” and “Delicious” on the 1st and 2nd of October, respectively, and participation is available after pre-registration. Seoul Market Dining: A tasty encounter at traditional markets where merchants meet popular places will be held from October 1 to October 6. Through a collaboration with five traditional markets in Seoul and popular places, chefs and bartenders seek opportunities for coexistence with market merchants. They will showcase creative dishes using various ingredients available at the markets, and participants can have special experience at traditional markets. The Seoul Restaurant Week will be held throughout Seoul from October 1 to October 6. Special menus are available at restaurants selected in the 2022 Taste of Seoul list, and reservations can be made at the Seoul Restaurant Week website or the Catchtable application (English supported). Seoul Sool Class, encounter with traditional Korean liquor, will be held from October 1 to October 6 at the Sool Gallery located in Bukchon. At the sool tasting event, people can taste the winners of five sools (takju, yakju, distilled liquor, fruit wines, and others) in the Korean Sool Competition with traditional liquor experts. At the one-day Makgeolli brewing event, people can experience the brewing of Makgeolli, designated as one of the intangible assets by Korea. In addition, there is also an event (October 1-2) prepared by chefs selected in the 100 Tastes of Seoul under the theme of the encounter with Seoul’s foods and cocktails and discovery of Korean food ingredients. Also, chefs from Korea and Japan collaborated to present a grand gala dinner (October 3) reflecting the longstanding recipes and unique culinary culture preserved through history via the language of “gastronomy” and the chef’s philosophy and experience that respects their cultural heritage. Kyeng-ju Choi, Director-General for Tourism and Sports Bureau, said “Taste of Seoul 2022 will not only present new tasting experience, but various programs covering traditional Korean food to exploratory food experience are prepared. With growing global interest in Korean food along with the popularity of Hallyu, this event will present Seoul’s tastes and its charm as the city of gastronomy to the whole world.”